Rudolph, presented by Childsplay is a holiday classic that soars off the screen in this musical adaptation of the beloved television special! Filled with holiday hits like “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” and “Holly Jolly Christmas,” Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer™ features all of your favorite characters!
See Santa and Mrs. Claus, Hermey the Elf, Bumble the Abominable Snow Monster, Clarice, Yukon Cornelius, and, of course, Rudolph. It’s an adventure that teaches us that what makes you different can be what makes you special.
We attended an opening day show and the kids loved the play! It had been a long time since I had heard the whole story of Rudolph and forgotten all the other characters so it was new to me as well as the kids. The abominable snowman does make an appearance, but he isn’t too scary for little kids. My kids are usually easily scared and they were not.
A few media photos of the play to give you an inside peek of what you will see!
Herberger Theater was host to the play. I thought we had great seats to get a good view of all the cast of characters. Although I could see sitting in the balcony being fun as well!
Rudolph, presented by Childsplay, runs through December 24th. Upcoming plays include Tomás & The Library Lady and The Hula-Hoopin’ Queen which we were told involved hula hoopin’ after!
Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer at Childsplay
Herberger Theater Center
222 E. Monroe Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85004
More fun holiday events can be found on our Events Calendar!
Kim is a chef, dishwasher, dry cleaner, housekeeper, landscaper, snack fetcher, photographer and personal assistant to toddler twins. Curently homeschooling her three year olds and loving teaching preschool. She loves exploring everything with her kids and photographing every minute of it. Follow her on Instagram @phoenixwithtwins.
2 Responses
Excellent review. Thanks for the insights.
love to hear it! Hope you can see the show.