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3DEXPERIENCE Admin Tutorial Webinars

Discover the tools you need to set up, configure and administer your 3DEXPERIENCE Platform.

Series Overview

What will you learn?

Our 3DEXPERIENCE admin webinars are the perfect introduction for 3DEXPERIENCE administrators to learn the basics of administrating and configuring the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform.

Over the course of two webinars you will learn how to manage users and roles, how to create and share dashboards, how to configure the cloud storage spaces in the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform, and best practices for configuring the platform to work with SOLIDWORKS

Part 1 Topics:
  • Introduction
  • Platform Management – initial login
  • Platform Management Dashboard
  • Understanding Roles
  • Installations
  • The Content tab
  • Creating Dashboards
Part 2 Topics:
  • Collaborative Spaces
  • Bookmarks
  • Deleting Data
  • File Naming/Attributes
  • Templates
  • SOLIDWORKS Admin Settings
  • Communities
3DEXPERIENCE Admin Tutorials

Webinar Schedule

Getting Started 3DEXPERIENCE
Learning options

Video and Written Starter Guides

If you are looking to get started with SOLIDWORKS Cloud Services and the 3DEXPERIENCE platform but can't wait until our next webinar, then why not check out some of our other resources.

We have created a series of short video guides to take you through everything you need to know to get started, from activating 3DEXPERIENCE, to managing files and revisions.

How to Activate the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Tue, 21 Nov 2023 13:04:35 +0000 In this post, we’ll show you how to activate the 3DEXPERIENCE platform so you can access the SOLIDWORKS Cloud Services and wider platform offerings.


NOTE: Once you’ve activated the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, you can begin using the Collaborative Designer for SOLIDWORKS role as well as access the Cloud Data Management and Share & Markup tools that are part of the SOLIDWORKS Cloud Services.

How to Activate the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform

After your order is confirmed, your company’s Platform Administrator will receive an email. This contains the terms and conditions that they’ll need to read and agree to before using the platform.

Welcome email with instructions on how to activate the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.

3DEXPERIENCE Activation Welcome Email

The Administrator must then click the ‘Make Me Administrator’ link in the email and log in with their 3DEXPERIENCE ID to activate your licenses and invite other members to the platform.

Check out this article to learn how to invite other users and assign them roles.


Your 3DEXPERIENCE ID is your login to the entire 3DEXPERIENCE platform. You’ll have just the one 3DEXPERIENCE ID per email address, so you can use the same one to log into any tenant and view files that you are granted access to.



3DEXPERIENCE IDs are free to create and give you access to the Dassault Systèmes communities.

These have replaced SOLIDWORKS IDs that were previously used to log into your SOLIDWORKS accounts and legacy portals and forums. Effectively, your SOLIDWORKS ID has been upgraded to a 3DEXPERIENCE ID and all of your account information will have been transferred.

What if I don’t have the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Activation Email?

If you haven’t received the email, or have misplaced it, then please contact your Account Manager or local support team, and we’ll be happy to assist.

You can find the details of your local Technical Support team at the bottom of this post.

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How to link 3DEXPERIENCE Attributes to SOLIDWORKS Properties Tue, 08 Aug 2023 10:07:42 +0000 SOLIDWORKS properties and 3DEXPERIENCE attributes are both be used to store all kinds of useful information for files including, descriptions, part numbers, revisions, the weight of a part and the material it is made from.

Why link SOLIDWORKS properties to 3DEXPERIENCE attributes?

It is useful to map these SOLIDWORKS properties to their related 3DEXPERIENCE attributes, this will mean you only need to input information in one place, saving time and avoiding the risk of information going out of sync.

For example, if we have a “description” property in SOLIDWORKS, we can map that to the equivalent 3DEXPERIENCE attribute also called “description”.

How to enable 3DEXPERIENCE integration inside SOLIDWORKS

There is a useful setting when working with 3DEXPERIENCE attributes and SOLIDWORKS properties that you may want to enable.

This setting is found inside SOLIDWORKS inside ‘System Option > 3DEXPERIENCE Integration’, it is simply called ‘Enable 3DEXPERIENCE Integration’.

Enabling 3DEXPERIENCE integration

The main effect that this has it to cause part-level custom properties in SOLIDWORKS to map to a CAD Family item inside 3DEXPERIENCE, and to cause configuration-specific properties to map to a Physical Product item in 3DEXPERIENCE.

For this guide we will work with configuration-specific properties inside SOLIDWORKS and their related physical product attributes inside 3DEXPERIENCE.

How to check 3DEXPERIENCE attribute settings

Before making any changes you should check how your 3DEXPERIENCE attributes are currently configured. To do so use the Platform Manager role to access the Collaborative Spaces Control Center and then select Attribute Management.

In this case we want to view the physical property type, selecting it will display a list of all of the existing attributes. From this screen you can add, edit or delete attributes.

3DEXPERIENCE Attributes List for Physical Products

3DEXPERIENCE attributes list for physical products


Adding new 3DEXPERIENCE Attributes

To add a new attribute click the + icon in the top right of the window. When adding a new attribute, you can choose from a list of attribute types including string, boolean, integer, real and date. Most often we work with string attributes for plain text.

If you want a property’s values to be chosen from a drop-down list then you can specify options by entering options into the Authorized Values box.

A 6W Predicate tag can also be added to the attribute for use in advanced searching.

Screenshot 2023 08 09 091956

Once an attribute has been created, it is important to use the Configuration Deployment tool inside the Collaborative Spaces Configuration Centre to push this attribute out to existing data.

This should be done out of hours and while the data is not being modified or updated, and ideally this would be done prior to any data being added to 3DEXPERIENCE.

To push this change across the platform you will need to run Reload Server Cache and Update Index Model .

Screenshot 2023 08 09 093602

How to control how 3DEXPERIENCE attributes interact with SOLIDWORKS properties

Inside Collaborative Spaces Configuration Centre, select CAD Collaboration and then SOLIDWORKS.

CAD Collaboration - SOLIDWORKS Properties

CAD Collaboration – SOLIDWORKS Properties

On this view you can see the directional behavior between the 3DEXPERIENCE attributes as product attributes and our SOLIDWORKS properties as category reviews, the arrows shown indicate indicates where the information is driven from and where it is applying to.

Screenshot 2023 08 09 095416

Typically, if you are entering information into properties on the SOLIDWORKS side, you want the arrow pointing from CAD attribute to product attribute. This makes sense for some properties such as weight, which will always be driven by SOLIDWORKS.

Conversely, if you want the 3DEXPERIENCE platform to drive the property value, then set the arrow to point from product attribute to CAD attributes.

If you want the information to come from both sides, set the arrows to be bidirectional. In general, you want to keep directions to a minimum as having more directions mean the system has to make more checks when saving a file.

Working with properties in SOLIDWORKS & 3DEXPERIENCE

Once setup is complete, you can begin adding properties to our files and viewing them in both SOLIDWORKS and the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.

In the example shown in our video above we created a new a property to test that everything was linked correctly. To begin we opened a SOLIDWORKS part and created a new property called ‘Project’.

SOLIDWORKS new property

Once created this SOLIDWORKS property can also be viewed by right-clicking the on the file in the 3DEXPERIENCE “MySession” tab inside the SOLIDWORKS task pane and choosing “Properties”.

My Session - View Properties

3DEXPERIENCE Attributes View


Once this model is saved to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform you will also be able to view this property by right clicking and choosing file information. This shows that the SOLIDWORKS property has correctly linked to the 3DEXPERIENCE attribute.

3DEXPERIENCE right-click file information

3DEXPERIENCE new property

Using Share and Markup in SOLIDWORKS Tue, 01 Aug 2023 15:31:49 +0000 In this guide we show how to start using Share and Markup in SOLIDWORKS. Before you begin using these tools your Platform Administrator should enable some options as detailed in our enabling Share and Markup guide.

NOTE: To start using Share and Markup in SOLIDWORKS, you need the latest SOLIDWORKS Service Pack and 3DEXPERIENCE platform update.

The new Share and Markup functionality included with SOLIDWORKS Cloud Services makes it easy to share SOLIDWORKS files between users on the platform and in SOLIDWORKS.

How to use Share and Markup in SOLIDWORKS

To share a file, simply click the Share a file command on the Lifecycle and Collaboration tab on the command manager. If you are looking to use this command regularly, then you can even assign the command to a keyboard shortcut or even use it as a mouse gesture.

Share a file command SOLIDWORKS

Share a file command SOLIDWORKS

When you use the command, the 3DEXPERIENCE platform will automatically create a shareable link for the file and upload it to your own personal 3DDrive. This link can be copied and access can be restricted to specific users by email addresses. As you share a file you can decide whether to allow guest comments and add a short message if required. Clicking share will send an email to the recipient and activate the link for access.

Share and markup command options

Share and markup command options


From within the task pane inside SOLIDWORKS you can see easily see which files you have shared, and update who has access to each shared file.Share and markup taskpane

How to view a file that has been shared

When you share a file the recipient will receive an email that includes the comments from the sender and a link to access the file in a 3D viewer. To view the file they will need to log in with a 3DEXPERIENCE ID, this is free to sign up for and does not require any paid licenses or additional software.

Share and markup email

Share and markup email

Files are viewed directly within an internet browser, which makes it straightforward to access the files on any device.

Using the markup tools

The tools to markup a file are simple and intuitive, you can highlight areas with the pencil tool, add annotations with the text tool and save comments and screenshots for designers to review. When comments are added the designer will be notified within SOLIDWORKS and can quickly view the part and the markup information by clicking the notification.

After making the required changes files can be shared again by simply click the Share a file command another time.

Share and markup is a simple but powerful tool to assist you when designing in SOLIDWORKS. If you have any questions about using the new functionality within SOLIDWORKS or the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, then please use the contact options below to get in touch with your local SOLIDWORKS team.

How to Enable Share and Markup for SOLIDWORKS Tue, 01 Aug 2023 15:31:44 +0000 In this guide we will show you how to enable share and markup functionality included in the SOLIDWORKS Cloud Services, to do this there are a couple of settings your Platform Administrator will need to turn on.


Platform Manager dashboard

In the 3DDashboard app, Platform Administrators will have access to the Platform Management dashboard. Find this in the list of dashboards under the hamburger menu on the left and click on it to enter the dashboard.

Platform Management Dashboard

Platform Management dashboard

In the list of tabs along the top of the Platform Management dashboard, click the Content tab and locate the widget for the Drives Control Center app. Widgets can be maximized for better visibility.

On the Share with External section here, there are a couple of settings you will need to turn on to enable share and markup. Enable Shareable Link will allow users to create a link for sending out SOLIDWORKS data to external platform users, while Enable Comments will allow recipients to comment and be more collaborative with your team.

External sharing options to enable share and markup

External sharing options to enable share and markup


Once these settings are enabled you’re ready to start sharing, to learn more check out video guide on using Share and Markup.

How to Assign Roles and Add Users to 3DEXPERIENCE Fri, 28 Jul 2023 16:17:57 +0000 Inviting members to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform and assigning roles is a straightforward process. As an administrator, you have access to the platform manager role under the compass, which lets you manage your users and assign roles.

Add users to 3DEXPERIENCE platform

One of the apps included with this role is the Members Control center. Here you can see all of the members in your organization’s tenant on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.

The Members Control Center App

Members Control Center App

We have lots of people on this tenant that you may be following along this tutorial as the first and only member on your organization’s platform. To invite a new user click on Invite Members then type in the new member’s email address and set the appropriate location for them.

This process can be done for multiple users in one go by adding further email addresses or by importing a CSV file in the format specified under the import members tab.

Adding Users to 3DEXPERIENCE

Add Users to 3DEXPERIENCE platform

Setting User Rights

During the invite process you can also set user rights, there are several options available. Setting them to be an administrator allows them access to the platform management tools, member is for users that don’t need those platform management tools and is intended for most employees. Finally external is for those outside your organization, like a contractor.


Setting User Rights

Assigning Roles in 3DEXPERIENCE

After assigning user rights and clicking next, you will be given the option to assign roles to the new user. Roles determine which apps the user will have access to, so it is important to assign them correctly. In our example we have assigned the the 3D swimmer and collaborative industry innovator roles, these are the fundamental collaboration roles on the platform.

Assigning roles in 3DEXPERIENCE

Assigning roles in 3DEXPERIENCE


The battery icons indicate how many instances of each row remain. Hover over them to see how many licenses are used. Some users may belong to more than one 3DEXPERIENCE tenants, and the restricts usage to this platform button prevents this row from being used outside of your organization. On the next page, we can assign additional apps such as SOLIDWORKS if available. Once you have assigned all the required roles and apps click invite to complete the process.

User Email Invitation

The use will receive an invitation email and must log into the platform using their SOLIDWORKS or 3DEXPERIENCE ID or create a new 3DEXPERIENCE side if required. Once the email is sent out, the user will be listed in the members control center where administrators can change their user rights and roles at any time via the information icon next to the new users name.

New User Email 3DEXPERIENCE Invitation

New User Email 3DEXPERIENCE Invitation

SOLIDWORKS and 3DEXPERIENCE Tutorial Webinars Fri, 28 Jul 2023 11:57:05 +0000


World Leading CAD, CAM, CAE Software

Webinar Schedule

Optimization Webinars - SOLIDWORKS & 3DEXPERIENCE Tutorial

Free for customers to attend our optimisation webinars will guide you through best practice setup advice for managing SOLIDWORKS and 3DEXPERIENCE.

These SOLIDWORKS and 3DEXPERIENCE tutorial sessions also provide an easy opportunity for you to ask questions to our onboarding team. Find out more about the sessions below and use the links to register.

Getting Started 3DEXPERIENCE
Learning options

Video and Written Starter Guides

If you are looking to get started with SOLIDWORKS Cloud Services and the 3DEXPERIENCE platform but can't wait until our next webinar, then why not check out some of our other resources.

We have created a series of short video guides to take you through everything you need to know to get started, from activating 3DEXPERIENCE, to managing files and revisions.

Learn 3DEXPERIENCE – Getting Started Wed, 24 May 2023 16:47:52 +0000

Learn 3DEXPERIENCE – Getting Started

How to activate, install, and use the SOLIDWORKS Cloud Services


Whether you’re a solo designer or part of a larger team, the 3DEXPERIENCE platform offers many benefits that you can start taking advantage of today.

For SOLIDWORKS users the SOLIDWORKS Cloud Services provides the perfect entry point to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. The guides on this page will teach you how to use them but before you can get started, your Platform Administrator must first log in and activate your license.

For administrators

How to Activate your 3DEXPERIENCE platform

After your order is confirmed, your company's platform administrator will receive an email. This contains the terms and conditions CLOSA that they'll need to read and agree to before using the platform.

The administrator must then click the link in the email and log in with their 3DEXPERIENCE ID to activate the licenses and invite other members to the platform.

If you haven't received the email, or have misplaced it, then please contact your account manager or local support team, and we'll be happy to assist.

Step 1

Check Your Inbox

Look for the email with the subject, "Action Required: Your 3DEXPERIENCE platform is ready"

Click on “ACCESS your 3DEXPERIENCE platform.”

Step 2

Sign up/Log in

Log in with your 3DEXPERIENCE ID or create a new login if needed.

Step 3

Accept the CLOSA

Click to confirm you are the Administrator and accept the CLOSA (Customer License and Online Service Agreement).

Step 4

Get Started

As the Administrator you can begin by inviting users, assigning roles and installing your apps.

Use the guides below to learn how to get started.

For Users & Administrators

Ways to learn SOLIDWORKS Cloud Services

Once you've activated your 3DEXPERIENCE platform, choose an option below to start
learning how to use the 3DEXPERIENCE tools included in SOLIDWORKS Cloud Services.

Option 1

Self Starter - Video Tutorials

Follow along with our videos below at your own pace to learn the fundamentals of the SOLIDWORKS Cloud Services and the wider 3DEXPERIENCE platform. Contact the support team if you run into any issues.

View Videos

Option 2

Guided Learning - Live Webinars

Attend one of our regularly scheduled live optimisation webinars to learn the basics of the SOLIDWORKS Cloud Services and the wider 3DEXPERIENCE platform while our expert engineers answer your questions.

View Webinars

Option 3

Assisted - Implementation Service

Get the best start with our implementation service. One of our expert engineers will help you get set up and find the best way to integrate the SOLIDWORKS Cloud Services and 3DEXPERIENCE platform into your workflow.

Contact us to Book

The Complete Guide to Using the SOLIDWORKS Cloud Services

From installing SOLIDWORKS to sharing your designs, our guides cover all the fundamentals to using the SOLIDWORKS Cloud Services effectively.

For administrators

Installation & Setup Guides

Watch our installation guides for a step-by-step guide to installing SOLIDWORKS and connecting SOLIDWORKS to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.

For Users & Administrators

How to Manage Files with the SOLIDWORKS Cloud Services

Learn how to take advantage of the cloud-based file management features of the 3DEXPERIENCE platform from directly within SOLIDWORKS.

For Users & Administrators

How to Share and Markup Files in SOLIDWORKS

With these two quick guides you'll know everything you need to easily share your SOLIDWORKS files with anyone for 3D viewing and markup.


Next Steps

Understanding Dashboards

Our tutorials above have focused on the new tools that are available on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform directly from within SOLIDWORKS, however there is a lot more to the platform that you can only access through a web browser.

After logging into the platform, you'll be able to view different dashboards that can be configured to your requirements. Dashboards are interfaces where apps and widgets can be opened, pinned, and operated. 

This video explains how to create and manage dashboards and we highly recommend watching once you are ready to start accessing more of the 3DEXPERIENCE platform's capabilities.

More 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Tutorials

Ready to go beyond the SOLIDWORKS Cloud Services? Learn how to use the wider 3DEXPERIENCE platform to access even more Cloud-based functionality.


3DEXPERIENCE Training Courses

Your journey into the 3DEXPERIENCE platform is only just beginning. Equip yourself and your team with the skills to succeed by attending our CPD-accredited training courses.

Our courses are delivered in-person and online by our expert and friendly engineers and will help you to gain confidence working with 3DEXPERIENCE software and enhance your professional development.

Need help getting started?

Contact us and get your questions answered today.

How to Organise your Files with 3DEXPERIENCE Collaborative Spaces Thu, 18 May 2023 15:27:43 +0000 When saving data to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, your files are stored in a Collaborative Space. 3DEXPERIENCE Collaborative Spaces are cloud storage destinations similar to network drives. Collaborative Spaces are managed through the 3DSpace app. They allow us to ensure the correct user groups have access to the correct files on the platform.


Multiple Collaborative Spaces can be used when working on different projects or isolating data between work groups in your company. It is important to know which Collaborative Space you’re working in at any time.

3DEXPERIENCE Collaborative Spaces

You can use the MySession window to switch between Collaborative Spaces, and the title bar if you’re using SOLIDWORKS Connected. When you save a file to 3DEXPERIENCE, it will become visible in the Collaborative Space it was saved in, which in turn is visible from the 3DSpace app on the platform.

3DEXPERIENCE Collaborative Space Selection

3DEXPERIENCE Collaborative Space Selection


Searching within SOLIDWORKS

When it comes to opening our files in SOLIDWORKS, we want to be able to find these files quickly. To do this, we’ll first use a search. We can search directly from the SOLIDWORKS File Open window. Using tags, we can isolate parts depending on what 3DEXPERIENCE Collaborative Space they reside in, who their author is, when they were last modified, etc. tags, strings, the file type, and so much more can be used to filter search results. We can also use the file window quick link to see files we have locked for ourselves.

Searching in the 'Open' Window

Searching in the ‘Open’ Window

Search scenarios

Searches can be favourited for quick access going forward or a 3DSearch app can be added to a dashboard. For example, if you are asked by your manager to go through any unreleased parts for the bench assembly and confirm if they’re finished by changing the maturity states.

You can search for the project number, and filter on unreleased items, the results then become a to do list. A quality control member of the team could similarly set up a search filter only to show released items. Another method to find files quickly is by using Bookmarks.

Organising with Bookmarks

If Collaborative Spaces are your cloud storage ‘drives’ then Bookmarks are your cloud storage ‘folders’.

Viewing Bookmarks from the 'Save' Window

Viewing Bookmarks from the ‘Save’ Window

Bookmarks allow you to create a folder structure and browse for content. The ‘Save with Options’ command allows you to assign a bookmark to files being saved. We can also create and manage our bookmarks from here or with the Bookmark Editor app on the platform.

Files can be added from a Collaborative Space to a Bookmark by dragging between apps.

The File Open window in SOLIDWORKS allows us to navigate to the bookmarks for our files, much like we’re used to doing in Windows Explorer. Recently visited bookmarks are saved to the home screen for quick access.

Recent Bookmarks In 'Open' Window

Recent Bookmarks In ‘Open’ Window

Further reading

If you would like to learn more about Collaborative Spaces and other data management advice then please check out our previous posts on Managing CAD Data on the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform – Part 1: Terminology and savingPart 2: Organizing data in a collaborative space.

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How to Manage Revisions in 3DEXPERIENCE Thu, 18 May 2023 15:21:41 +0000 In this video, we look at how revisions are enabled, and configured within the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, as well as how we revise our files within SOLIDWORKS:



Revisions in 3DEXPERIENCE

Revisions help us to track design changes, and store the history and evolution of our products. While revising files can be driven by change actions, which introduce approval stages, this video focuses instead on the tools available under Lifecycle and Collaboration.

Enable and Configure Revisions in 3DEXPERIENCE

Under the ‘Platform Management’ role, open the ‘Collaborative Spaces Control Centre’ app.

Collaborative Spaces Control Center

Collaborative Spaces Control Center

On the right hand side, select ‘Lifecycle and Collaboration’.

Lifecycle and Collaboration Settings

Lifecycle and Collaboration Settings

To specify the formatting of a revision, under ‘Revision Format’ we can specify ‘Primary’ or ‘Primary.Secondary’.

If a secondary component to the revision is enabled, this is incremented when a ‘New Revision’ is created when the file is not in the ‘Released’ State.

When a new revision is created for a file that is in the ‘Released’ state, the next primary revision is created, and the secondary component is reset.

Primary Revision Scheme

Primary Revision Scheme

Primary and Secondary Revision Scheme

Primary and Secondary Revision Scheme

While the secondary component will always be numerical, we can choose whether we want letters or numbers to denote the primary component of a revision.

Now under ‘Revision Naming Rules’ for Physical Products we can choose which naming convention to follow.

When selecting the alphabetical component a variation can be selected where uncommon letters such as I, O, Q, S. X, and Z are skipped.

Revisions in 3DEXPERIENCE - Naming Rules

Revisions in 3DEXPERIENCE – Naming Rules

Making a New Revision in SOLIDWORKS

While working on our part in SOLIDWORKS, we can use commands under the ‘Lifecycle’ tab to move the file through our maturity graph, and create new revisions for our file.

Using the ‘Maturity’ command, under the ‘Lifecycle’ tab lets us see our maturity graph and the routes available to us to move our file between the states. We’ll use this to release the file.

Maturity Graph

Maturity Graph

Once the file is released, we can start a new revision to implement a design change.

Using the ‘New Revision’ command will move us to the ‘In Work’ state, set the file to Revision B, and lock the file to us so we can implement our design change.

Revisions in 3DEXPERIENCE - Starting a New Revision

Revisions in 3DEXPERIENCE – Starting a New Revision

After modifications are complete, we want to save our changes, unlock the file and use the Maturity command again to release the file to Revision B.

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How to Lock Files on 3DEXPERIENCE Thu, 18 May 2023 13:34:25 +0000 In this guide we will cover how to lock files in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform:

Locking & Unlocking with the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform

Locking and unlocking files in a collaborative environment is how we indicate that a file is being worked on, and when those changes are complete.

  • A locked file can only be updated by the user it’s locked to.
  • An unlocked file cannot be updated without first being locked.

This is especially useful when working collaboratively on an assembly, where a file being unlocked instantly indicates to you that a colleague has completed their changes.

How to lock files on 3DEXPERIENCE from within SOLIDWORKS

The locking and unlocking commands can be accessed from the bottom of the 3DEXPERIENCE task pane and from the right click menu on the model itself. We can also unlock files using the same method.

Lock files on 3DEXPERIENCE

Lock files on 3DEXPERIENCE

Locking a file will update the icon to a green key.

Locked File

Locked File

The locked status of the model is also viewable from the top of the SOLIDWORKS window.

For an assembly we’re working on, we can see when our colleague starts work on referenced files by the red padlock showing they have those files locked. This will prevent us from editing those files until our colleague saves their changes and unlocks the file.

Locked By A Colleague

Locked By A Colleague

We can work on the top-level assembly that includes the components our colleague is working on, as the top-level file is unlocked.

After making changes and saving, the save window now has an option to ‘unlock’ the file after saving our changes to the platform.

Unlock Files After Saving

Unlock Files After Saving

Lock files on 3DEXPERIENCE with the Bookmark Editor app

Files don’t need to be open to lock or unlock them. We can also lock and unlock files through the Bookmark Editor app, either through the task pane in SOLIDWORKS, or from the 3DEXPERIENCE platform using our browser. Both are accessed by selecting the compass icon, ‘Collaborative Industry Innovator’ role, and then the ‘Bookmark Editor’ app. We recommend adding this to ‘My Favorite Apps’ for easy access.

Lock Files in Bookmark Editor App

Lock Files in Bookmark Editor App

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How to Save Files to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform Thu, 18 May 2023 13:30:13 +0000 When using SOLIDWORKS there are two main ways to save files, ‘Save to 3DEXPERIENCE’ will save files to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform and ‘Save to This PC’ will save files locally in a chosen location.

Save files locally

If you save a file locally then clicking the save icon in future will continue to save the file locally. Both of these save options can be accessed from either the ‘File’ menu, or from the dropdown arrow next to the ‘Save’ icon.

Save files to the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform

Alternatively we can save the file to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.

Save Options - Save files to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform

Save Options – Save to 3DEXPERIENCE

Saving using this method will update our local file and also place it into the 3DSpace we’re currently connected to.

Once saved to the platform, the task pane on the right-hand side will update to reflect the file’s information relating to the platform, including the file’s status, whether it is locked or unlocked, its revisions, maturity state and description.

At the bottom of the 3DEXPERIENCE Task Pane there is also a button for ‘Save to 3DEXPERIENCE’. Using this we can see that subsequent saves give us the option to save the file into a bookmark on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.

Save to 3DEXPERIENCE - With Bookmark

Save to 3DEXPERIENCE – With Bookmark

Bookmarks act as a folder or filing system for our files being saved into the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. To learn more about bookmarks and organising files with collaborative spaces please view our blog on how to organise your files on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. 

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How to Open Files from the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Thu, 18 May 2023 10:45:07 +0000 There are many different methods to open files from the 3DEXPERIENCE platform when working with SOLIDWORKS. While the majority of these are unique to 3DEXPERIENCE, let’s start by exploring the open options that you can access from within SOLIDWORKS.

Opening Files in SOLIDWORKS from the 3DEXPERIENCE platform

Once SOLIDWORKS is open your first view will be of the home screen. From here we can see our library of recent documents as well as the handle we worked on in the previous video – Saving files to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.

The Welcome Window

The SOLIDWORKS welcome window

To view a complete list of documents we’ve recently worked on – we can navigate to the next tab along labelled “Recent”, where the entire list of your recent projects are available. This is also possible by clicking on “File” in the toolbar at the top of your screen.

Going to the “File” dropdown menu can also show us a list of recent documents as well as the option to open files from your computer (CTRL+ O). This command can also be pinned to the top tool bar for easier access.

File Menu Showing Recent Documents and Open Command

File menu showing recent documents and the open command

How to open files from the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform


When working with 3DEXPERIENCE, the open command in SOLIDWORKS gains a few new options to allow us to open from 3DEXPERIENCE.

First, we have the “Home” button showing us our recent files as it did before.

Next is 3DSearch, which allows us to search for files on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform using the search box.

Bookmarks are our third option, allowing us to browse through our bookmark structure, or search for our file name.

“This PC” is the final option and will let you browse files stored locally on your PC.

Open files from the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Options

Open window showing 3DEXPERIENCE options

In the ‘MySession’ task pane on the right hand side of SOLIDWORKS, we can search for our file name similar to the search in the ‘Open’ window.

We can also view the files stored in a chosen Bookmark by selecting the compass icon in the top left of the ‘MySession’ task pane, selecting the ‘Collaborative Industry Innovator’ role, and then the ‘Bookmark Editor’ app. This allows us to browse through our bookmarks like a conventional folder structure in Windows Explorer / File Explorer.

Bookmark Editor Within MySession

Bookmark editor within MySession

Files saved to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform are also saved locally to your machine. We can view a list of these files by checking the tab second from the bottom on the task pane labelled: ‘3DEXPERIENCE files on this PC’. This shows us a list of locally stored files that are also uploaded to 3DEXPERIENCE, and allows us to open files from here.

This area also allows us to safely delete these files from our hard drive, knowing that if we need them again, we can open from 3DEXPERIENCE.


3DEXPERIENCE files on this PC

In the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform

If we don’t already have our a browser window open displaying our files stored in 3DEXPERIENCE, we can quickly get to this from within SOLIDWORKS. We do this by selecting the compass icon in the top left of the ‘MySession’ task pane, selecting the ‘Collaborative Industry Innovator’ role, and then the ‘3DSpace’ app.

This will open a browser window to view our collaborative spaces. Selecting a collaborative space will show us all the data that has been stored within that Space.

3DSpace View From Browser

3DSpace view from browser

We can also get to the bookmark editor through a similar method, or by using the ‘My Data’ tab on our Dashboard. When using the ‘My Data’ tab, we can drag files from the Bookmark Editor app, into the 3DPlay app to get a 3D preview of the file.

View File in 3DPlay

Viewing files in 3DPlay

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How to Install 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS Thu, 18 May 2023 10:38:57 +0000 In this guide we will show you how to install 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS also known as SOLIDWORKS Connected. This is not to be confused with desktop SOLIDWORKS with the 3DEXPERIENCE add-in.

NOTE: If you have a license of desktop SOLIDWORKS and are looking to connect it to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform then please view our guide on how to install the Collaborative Designer for SOLIDWORKS.


3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS is a cloud-focused version of SOLIDWORKS that has a virtually identical set of capabilities as SOLIDWORKS Desktop but it has a built in connection to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, which is why it is also known as also known as SOLIDWORKS Connected.

3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS launches from and saves files to the cloud-based 3DEXPERIENCE platform but it still runs locally, this means that you still need a machine with the power to run SOLIDWORKS.

Before you Begin

Before beginning the installation it is important to know that 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS cannot be installed on a machine that has an installation of SOLIDWORKS Desktop that has the same major version. For example, 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS 2023 can be installed alongside SOLIDWORKS Desktop 2022 but not 2023.


To install 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS you will need to log into the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. Next click on the compass in the top left to browse our roles and apps. As a designer, the platform administrator has allocated us the 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS Role.

Filtering the apps belonging to this role, we see “SOLIDWORKS Connected”. This will be the button we click to launch the software, but for the first time, it prompts us to install.



You may first be prompted to download & install the 3DEXPERIENCE launcher if it hasn’t been installed already. Click to download the 3DEXPERIENCE launcher and progress through the 3DEXPERIENCE launcher setup window. Click finish and the setup window closes.

Click continue in the web browser. After a short wait another prompt will appear and this time we shall choose “Install all roles containing SOLIDWORKS Connected” and the 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS installer will appear.



We recommend using the cloud eligibility check to ensure your hardware and connection is suitable for running cloud data management. Then click next until you reach the installation directory stage.>

Check the installation location, and toolbox location before starting the installation.

The download and install are quite large, so it may take some time to complete.

Once the installation finishes, restart your computer and log back into your 3DEXPERIENCE platform. Now that the installation of 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS is complete you can use the SOLIDWORKS Connected app to launch SOLIDWORKS from the platform.

If you would prefer, then you can create a desktop shortcut to use by selecting the drop-down arrow next to the SOLIDWORKS Connected app icon and clicking the “create desktop shortcut” arrow icon.

Create Desktop Shortcut

Create Desktop Shortcut

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How to Install SOLIDWORKS Thu, 18 May 2023 09:33:40 +0000 In this post we’ll show you how to install SOLIDWORKS Desktop CAD. Please note this is for standalone licenses of SOLIDWORKS, the installation process is different for network licenses or admin images. Following this installation if you’d like to connect SOLIDWORKS to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform then you can follow our guide for installing the 3DEXPERIENCE add-in from the Collaborative Designer for SOLIDWORKS role.

How to Download SOLIDWORKS

The first step is to download the SOLIDWORKS installation manager, you can find this on the download page on the SOLIDWORKS website.

SOLIDWORKS Download Page

SOLIDWORKS Download Page

You will need to log in with your 3DEXPERIENCE ID to access the downloads, if you do not have a log in you can sign up for one there. We recommend that you download the latest version of SOLIDWORKS so that you can take advantage of the newest enhancements to the software, however it is also important to use the same version of SOLIDWORKS as your colleagues.

Once the installation manager download has completed double click to run it and when the small grey window appears choose “Unzip”, this will extract the files from the download and then automatically launch the installation manager.

SOLIDWORKS Installation Manager - Unzip Files

SOLIDWORKS Installation Manager – Unzip Files

SOLIDWORKS Installation Manager Settings

On the installation manager welcome screen, select to “Install on this computer” and proceed by clicking “next”. Then fill in any serial numbers to be used by this machine. You must input your SOLIDWORKS serial number under 3D Design for it to be available as an installation product.

After inputting your serial numbers press next and the installation manager will quickly check that the serial numbers are valid and then you will proceed to the summary screen.

SOLIDWORKS Installation Manager - Summary Screen

SOLIDWORKS Installation Manager – Summary Screen

From the summary screen you can confirm which products will be installed and set where to install SOLIDWORKS and the toolbox.

We recommend modifying the names of your installation location and Toolbox folders to include the version year, for example change “C:\Program Files\SOLIDWORKS Corp” to “C:\Program Files\SOLIDWORKS 2023“. This will help you to avoid confusion when you upgrade SOLIDWORKS in future.

SOLIDWORKS Install Tip - Change Location Name

SOLIDWORKS Install Tip – Change Location Name

After confirming the installation locations and product selections you will need to accept the terms and conditions and then press download and install, this will install SOLIDWORKS. Note that the download and installation process may take some time as the file set is large.

Activating your SOLIDWORKS Licenses

Once the installation has finished open SOLIDWORKS. When SOLIDWORKS opens for the first time, the Activation Wizard will start, select any products that require activation and choose the option to automatically activate over the internet. Once activated, SOLIDWORKS will be available to use.

Activate SOLIDWORKS Licenses

Activate SOLIDWORKS Licences


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