End of Mastercam software and service offerings from TriMech

As of June 1 2024, TriMech (MACDAC Engineering) will no longer be selling or supporting Mastercam software.

TriMech/MACDAC Engineering’s agreement with Sandvik (Mastercam), which allowed us to sell and support the Mastercam product line ended June 1, 2024.

The Mastercam business, including training, will be transferred to Cimquest, recently acquired by Sandvik. We trust that Cimquest will support you throughout the transition and beyond.

Visit the Cimquest website for Mastercam support and training »

Mastercam alternatives

We offer SOLIDWORKS CAM software and the DELMIA Machining and Fabrication solutions as alternatives to Mastercam.

We are currently evaluating another CAM solution to suit our clients need for diverse capabilities and seamless integration with SOLIDWORKS and will share the news of our new solution soon. We promise you’ll be impressed with the features and benefits of this new solution!

We’re not going anywhere

Please know that Mastercam was pleased with TriMech’s award-winning performance and top-notch service to our clients. It has been our pleasure to support Mastercam clients over the past few years.

We remain the trusted advisor across the entire spectrum of engineering and manufacturing software and services.