Phoenix With Kids

Hummingbird Banding Near Sierra Vista, Families Welcome

Hummingbird Banding Near Sierra Vista, Families Welcome. South of Sierra Vista along the San Pedro River is a hidden sanctuary where volunteers annually capture, tag, and gently release hummingbirds as they migrate through the area. The best part? Families can join, then hold the hummingbirds after tagging!

Chris Tingom

Hummingbird Banding Near Sierra Vista, Families Welcome. South of Sierra Vista along the San Pedro River is a hidden sanctuary where volunteers annually capture, tag, and gently release hummingbirds as they migrate through the area. The best part? Families can join, then hold the hummingbirds after tagging!

The capture area for the hummingbird catch/release event is in one section of the yard, the tagging is at a table, and the release area is nearby. Banding is done only by trained volunteers, and they welcome any questions.

We loved watching every step of the process, especially when the hummingbirds were gently placed in our hands and usually stayed for a minute or so before flying off free. There was something thrilling about holding a tiny gorgeous creature in your hand.

Why do the birds stay in your hand? The gentle handing exhausts them, so they are given sugar water immediately after banding, and then have a brief recovery period. This is when you’re able to hold them.

The hummingbird banding usually takes place on weekends April-May and July-September. See @southeasternarizonabird for exact dates, and for more info. No charge, donations accepted. (Note: This unique experience is best for children who are able to stay calm and mostly quiet. )

SABO recommends going to the bandings on Saturdays at the San Pedro House for better parking and a more likely opportunity to participate. For dates, visit, then click the “Activities” tab for a drop-down menu that includes their Calendar of Events. If you want to attend the Casa de San Pedro B&B bandings, you must make a reservation with SABO because the B&B cannot host as many people. To join SABO, it is $35/year for a family.

More great things to do in Sierra Vista can be found here


  • Chris Tingom

    Welcome to Phoenix With Kids, a place where we share the cool activities we do with our children around the state. I live in Phoenix with my wife Jana and our three kids. I design and build websites for select clients.

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